Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Post 2... Sorry that I don't have any creative title ideas yet...

Day after Christmas.
Christmas was pretty awesome. I got all that i wanted except for black leather knee high boots.
My parents wont get me those... yet...
I also got Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition.
For those of you that don't know what Fallout 3 is, its a post apocalyptic RPG made by Bethesda, who are the same people that made the Elder scrolls games like Oblivion and Skyrim.
So imagine those games but with guns and in a grey wasteland, its pretty fun.
Click here for the E3 trailer.
 I also got the game MAG, but I haven't played that one yet. That one a 256 player online shooter...
Take that BF3...
By the way blog viewers, I'm writing a book.
Its a war revolution story. Its a pain to write though...
I don't call my Mom Mams, by the way, don't assume that...
I'm seeing the hobbit tomorrow. I've already seen it once, but I'm going with a friend who hasn't seen it and I REALLY want them to see it because i know they'll love it!
The same person hasn't even seen any of the Lord of The Rings movies, a long with a lot of my other friends... including my girlfriend.
I mentioned that i have a girlfriend in my first post, but i dont think im gonna talk about her that much unless I really feel the need or want to.
Don't take that personally, you know I don't like sharing stuff about me and you.

Im done... heres an aweasome techno-ish song.

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