Monday, December 24, 2012

My First Post... Meh...

Yo every body! I made a blog aren't I the most special thing in the world!
Nah I'm worthless never mind.
Hmm weird, I thought "never mind" was on word, but okay i guess  its not.
Stupid grammar...

Anyway! enough of my inteligentness's.
Yeah, I'm guessing you already know Phantoms not my real name but I'm not putting that out there, one because I hate my real name, Two because Phantom sounds cooler.

 Alright you probably want to get to know me... hhhhhhmmmmm...
I love guns and FPS's but i'm not just some douche gun guy who like guns because of Call of Duty, i actually do research and know things.
I want to join the military... as you can tell my URL and blog title thingymibobber can relate to that.
I love music. My fave bands right now are The Dead Weather, Soundgarden, Audioslave, Wolfmother, Rage Against The Machines. Those are all in the similar genres but i listen to a lot of different genres. And i'll post a song every time I post.

I love writing books, but like writing and directing short films better.

I'm in a relationship with an amazing girl. So yeah... What...

Religious..? how do i put this. I am undecided. I know if your religious your gonna think "You either believe or not, there no floating around." but I'm floating around... so bug off.

This is a sick song.   The vids creepy cool!


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