Wednesday, April 17, 2013

This Fire is Out of Control

Went to Coachella last weekend.
It was amazing!!!!
I saw 25 bands/artists preform.
I don't remember all of them off the top of my head, but my top 3 were...

1: Franz Ferdinand
2: The Postal Service
3: Pretty Lights

1 and 2 were kinda tied because I loved Franz Ferdinand with all there energy and how tight they were. But I loved The Postal Service because they too were energetic and they had two new amazing songs!
And I'm not a huge fan of Pretty Lights music, but his "light" show was really "pretty" and entertaining.

But Coachella was amazing and I am so going next year.
except there was one downside...
I missed my girlfriend. A lot.
I cant stand being away from her for too long. weekends are bad enough. But vacations destroy me.
And she's going on vacation from Friday to Wednesday.
It'll be even more torturous when she goes to girls camp, which is an entire week.
I'll be dead by Wednesday of that week.
There is texting. But I'm sick of texting.
She lives a mile from me.
Her parents like me.
My parents like her.
Our parents are both okay with us being together as long as we don't have sex. (which is totally reasonable)
But we can never make our plans work!
I'm sick of having to send a bland message to have conversations that take 30 minutes, rather then walking for 10 minutes/waiting for ten minutes to see her and be with her. so we can talk and laugh and hug and kiss and cuddle... which we've only done like 3 times...
In order to get together we have to check with our parents a week in advance so they can hopefully not have anything set up for us. 50% of the time they do. and 45% of the time they either don't care or forget and set something up anyway!!!
And school is the worst...
Yes, and my girlfriend have most of our classes together but in a sense it worse then not being with her.
We cant talk.
We cant laugh.
We cant hug.
We cant kiss.
We cant cuddle.
The only time we can kinda do that stuff is lunch. and we can only do like the first 3.  When I want to do all of them.
Hopefully stuff will change in the summer.  Hopefully we'll be able to just say "Hey want to meet in the park?" and do it.
But we'll have to wait and see.

Summers around the corner and airsoft season is coming up. time to break out my M16 and L96.
I love airsofting. (not as much as my girlfriend, but its in the top ten)
Its the best.
And even though my field was leveled, my brother found a better spot.
An abandoned gold refinery.
Cool right?

Rock on.
Music for ya'll.
More music for ya'll.

1 comment:

  1. Hey now, it's only for a few days! XD
    When I get back we'll do something, yeah?
