Friday, December 28, 2012


Yeah im doing two posts today....
Well its 12:09 right now but its close enough.
But thats not why its called Two.
thats a strange reason! Haha!
Anyway yeah i felt like posting twice... :/

I saw The Hobbit with my friend and they loved it!
*Preforms random and some what scaring victory dance*
Ah io have to many friends that haven't been introduced to the amazing world that is middle earth...
Like, if i were to go to that movie with all of them, it would be like 8 people.
Seriously people c'man. :P

I jammed with my friends Bryce and Ethan and my brother...
it sucked.
Ethan was trying to teach me the bass for the song he had written, but i just couldn't get it down.
I have enough skill on the bass to play it, but there's a different reason why i couldn't.
He was trying to teach me something that was total grunge and punk rock.
Im used to playing classic rock... or thats what i play mostly.
Like the song Fool in The Rain by Led Zeppelin. Click Bellow.
I love that song.
But one of my classic rock song exceptions exceptions is this song.
This videos kinda strange... what with you Jack White and strange music videos?
Oh and just an interesting connection, the guy who sings this song is the singer in The Dead Weather.
That band that I've posted 2 music videos for.
Lots of things are coming down to 2 in this post...

My friend Bryce go two (there i go again) bad @$$ air soft guns.
they were both M4's but one was and S-system and the other was the classic M4-A1. They both had RDS's (red dot sights) and the S-system had a fore-grip.
They also had different stocks. The S-systems was and ajustable one and the M4-A1's was a foldable one.

^Classic M4-A1^

Those are what they basically looked like.
They're bad @$$!!!
Airsoft is amazing if you haven't tried it.
I love it. it beats BF3 and COD any day.
Airsoft is my natural high.
Well, that and playing the bass and writing and drawing.
I get naturally stoned so easy.

The End, im done... leave... good bye...
Well, before you go, watch this. :D

Thursday, December 27, 2012

OLOY (only losers obey yolo)

Yay! i got a creative title! aren't you guys so proud of me?!
Haha, yeah, oloy is an inside joke with some of my friends. We love to make fun of how stupid almost all of pop culture is.  Sorry if you like that type of stuff, but most of the people I'm good friends with cant stand it.
And do you know what part i cant stand especially?
I'm sorry to all those people who may like, Carly Rae Jepsen, or Rihana, or Owl City, or  Justin Beiber,or One Direction, but that music just HAS NO THOUGHT!
Except I have just one itsy bitsy amount respect for Owl City and Justin Beiber because they at least write their own music.
Unlike One Direction who are a bunch a British rich kids who dress like swaggots and say things girls wish guys said to them THAT THEY DIDN'T EVEN WRITE BY THEMSELVES!!!!
Ugh........ The social decline........
Yeah if "the social decline" applies to me in any way its how lazy and obsessive people have become.
Yes I'm lazy... What of it...
                                                                ^Cool internet artwork^
I love anything post apocalyptic.
Because i love the idea and style, I love the atmosphere.
Its just cool.
I love how everything's make shift looking, the homes, the guns, the clothes.
Its just cool.
The book I'm writing right now isn't really post apocalyptic.
But its the only one of my books that's not.
Well that and the romance i was trying to write...
Don't ask...
                                                                      ^Its a spoon!!!^
For those of you that also like post apocalyptic stuff, click the link and watch this really cool video that i want these guys to take somewhere.

hey well im done. a song for you guys. its the same band as the first vid... :P

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Post 2... Sorry that I don't have any creative title ideas yet...

Day after Christmas.
Christmas was pretty awesome. I got all that i wanted except for black leather knee high boots.
My parents wont get me those... yet...
I also got Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition.
For those of you that don't know what Fallout 3 is, its a post apocalyptic RPG made by Bethesda, who are the same people that made the Elder scrolls games like Oblivion and Skyrim.
So imagine those games but with guns and in a grey wasteland, its pretty fun.
Click here for the E3 trailer.
 I also got the game MAG, but I haven't played that one yet. That one a 256 player online shooter...
Take that BF3...
By the way blog viewers, I'm writing a book.
Its a war revolution story. Its a pain to write though...
I don't call my Mom Mams, by the way, don't assume that...
I'm seeing the hobbit tomorrow. I've already seen it once, but I'm going with a friend who hasn't seen it and I REALLY want them to see it because i know they'll love it!
The same person hasn't even seen any of the Lord of The Rings movies, a long with a lot of my other friends... including my girlfriend.
I mentioned that i have a girlfriend in my first post, but i dont think im gonna talk about her that much unless I really feel the need or want to.
Don't take that personally, you know I don't like sharing stuff about me and you.

Im done... heres an aweasome techno-ish song.

Monday, December 24, 2012

My First Post... Meh...

Yo every body! I made a blog aren't I the most special thing in the world!
Nah I'm worthless never mind.
Hmm weird, I thought "never mind" was on word, but okay i guess  its not.
Stupid grammar...

Anyway! enough of my inteligentness's.
Yeah, I'm guessing you already know Phantoms not my real name but I'm not putting that out there, one because I hate my real name, Two because Phantom sounds cooler.

 Alright you probably want to get to know me... hhhhhhmmmmm...
I love guns and FPS's but i'm not just some douche gun guy who like guns because of Call of Duty, i actually do research and know things.
I want to join the military... as you can tell my URL and blog title thingymibobber can relate to that.
I love music. My fave bands right now are The Dead Weather, Soundgarden, Audioslave, Wolfmother, Rage Against The Machines. Those are all in the similar genres but i listen to a lot of different genres. And i'll post a song every time I post.

I love writing books, but like writing and directing short films better.

I'm in a relationship with an amazing girl. So yeah... What...

Religious..? how do i put this. I am undecided. I know if your religious your gonna think "You either believe or not, there no floating around." but I'm floating around... so bug off.

This is a sick song.   The vids creepy cool!
