Sunday, May 5, 2013


I don't know if i mentioned that i like to draw in my last post on here, and I'm to lazy  to scroll down and check...
But i made a deviant art account.
So here it is.
I'll be posting art of mine.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Ugh, the days blur together.
They're all the same.
Well there's like a light grey (week days), and a dark grey. (weekends)
Weeks days are school, nap, work, and attempt to make week end plans.
Week ends are Work, nap, boredom, and being saddened as you see your plans fail.
This week end has been depressing.Title song.
Earlier last week I was planning on doing something with my Girlfriend, but as I stated she's on vacation until Wednesday, so nope. 
So I went into this expecting nothing, but yesterday morning I get a text from an old friend saying they're airsofting.
So i get ready with all my stuff, dress up and load my guns. but then it gets canceled... and I even cried.
I know that makes me sound like a baby, but none of my plans have worked lately.
So, I just ended up playing Team Fortress 2 all night.
Ugh, nothing works...
I miss her.
A lot.
I have to hold out 2 more days.
2 more days of horrific boredom and stress.

Anyway, on a brighter note.
I don't have anything good to talk about...
Here, I'll just leave you guys with my favorite post apocalyptic/cool pictures that I have.  

 The picture above is awesome.
 If you play Fallout New Vegas, you'll recognize this guy above.
 Cool picture, not much else to say.
 Cool picture.
 Previous wallpaper of mine until my sister had to start using my laptop for school.
 Cool picture. :/
 I love this picture, the style is sooooo coooooool.
 More Fallout NV.
 Fallout 3 picture.
 Previous wallpaper.
 What happens to your wallpaper when you leave it  with a bunch of nerds.
 Cool picture.
 The only thing resembling anime I have on my computer.
 The cute little enderman has a flower. ^w^
 Cool book cover.
 Vietnam war picture.
    And obviously, my profile picture.

Title song.
Bye bye.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Such Great Heights

Its late...
Well early...
But late...

Today was... interesting.
I was totally out of it in biology... I don't know why, I just was.
We were talking about DNA and I just kinda zoned out.
Then I went to German, which irritated me.
My German teacher is also the choir (a capella, mens chorus, madrigals, etc.) teacher, and she favors those students. And for some reason, all the students in her more skilled classes like a capella seem extremely arrogant. They just have that expression of... arrogance... and it bugs me.
But today we had a music assembly and our teacher made us skip class and go help "set up" for it in the gym.
But when we get there everything is set up.
And so we sat down for an hour... doing nothing...
But the assembly was good.
The orchestra played this really cool Celtic sounding song. And for being a high school orchestra they were pretty tight. There was very few squeaks.
I'm not commenting on the band...
And then obviously, the singing groups.
Their stuck up faces irritated me, but when I closed my eyes and just listened. I enjoyed it.
Then we had an hour long lunch.
The weather outside was gorgeous as well, but for some reason, NO one was outside. almost absolutely no one!
And this bugged me...
My girlfriend is gone on her trip and since our plans never work, the only time we get to make out is either during lunch or after school. But usually if the weathers really nice there's a lot of people outside, and she  like it when there's people next to our little hidden spot so we never can on the days that are actually fairly pleasant to be outside during.
But today would've been perfect. But she wasn't here...

I miss her.
A lot.
I miss her to much.
Its not right.
I cant take it...
I never get enough time with her. Ever. EVER...
It hurts
And I'm gonna snap...

Anyway, on a brighter note.
There's a convention in November called Geex
Its a game/technology convention i'll be attending.
And I need to cosplay someone.
I have 3 ideas that i need help choosing now because I need to make the costume.
My ideas are either a Helghast from the game Killzone, John Marston from Red Dead Redemption, or Booker DeWitt from Bioshock Infinite.

                                                                    ^Cool art/Helghast^
The Helghast would be the hardest.
I think you can tell why...
The mask.
The rest of the costume is just bulky modern combat gear. But that mask...

                                                                      ^John Marston^
                                                                        ^Same guy^

This guy would be fairly easy to do. And I kinda  look like him.
Except id have to grow out my facial hair for months, but it would work.
That and getting a revolver to carry around are the only hard things.
I'm planning on getting an airsoft revolver anyway, so that would work.
But i'll talk about that later...

                                                                    ^Booker DeWitt^
            ^Not of the guy above, but the pic i got of him was good enough and this picture is super cool O-O^

Booker would be the easiest, except I'd have to do tons of stuff to my hair... :/
Not much else to say. XD

Anyway, I'm super tired, so I'm gonna end this post.

Mine and my girlfriends new couple song.
We both love this song and I got to see it live.
It's awesome.
For those of you that aren't into techy stuff though and more into folk...
Cover of the same song by Iron and Wine which I also saw live.
Any how... bye bye....

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

This Fire is Out of Control

Went to Coachella last weekend.
It was amazing!!!!
I saw 25 bands/artists preform.
I don't remember all of them off the top of my head, but my top 3 were...

1: Franz Ferdinand
2: The Postal Service
3: Pretty Lights

1 and 2 were kinda tied because I loved Franz Ferdinand with all there energy and how tight they were. But I loved The Postal Service because they too were energetic and they had two new amazing songs!
And I'm not a huge fan of Pretty Lights music, but his "light" show was really "pretty" and entertaining.

But Coachella was amazing and I am so going next year.
except there was one downside...
I missed my girlfriend. A lot.
I cant stand being away from her for too long. weekends are bad enough. But vacations destroy me.
And she's going on vacation from Friday to Wednesday.
It'll be even more torturous when she goes to girls camp, which is an entire week.
I'll be dead by Wednesday of that week.
There is texting. But I'm sick of texting.
She lives a mile from me.
Her parents like me.
My parents like her.
Our parents are both okay with us being together as long as we don't have sex. (which is totally reasonable)
But we can never make our plans work!
I'm sick of having to send a bland message to have conversations that take 30 minutes, rather then walking for 10 minutes/waiting for ten minutes to see her and be with her. so we can talk and laugh and hug and kiss and cuddle... which we've only done like 3 times...
In order to get together we have to check with our parents a week in advance so they can hopefully not have anything set up for us. 50% of the time they do. and 45% of the time they either don't care or forget and set something up anyway!!!
And school is the worst...
Yes, and my girlfriend have most of our classes together but in a sense it worse then not being with her.
We cant talk.
We cant laugh.
We cant hug.
We cant kiss.
We cant cuddle.
The only time we can kinda do that stuff is lunch. and we can only do like the first 3.  When I want to do all of them.
Hopefully stuff will change in the summer.  Hopefully we'll be able to just say "Hey want to meet in the park?" and do it.
But we'll have to wait and see.

Summers around the corner and airsoft season is coming up. time to break out my M16 and L96.
I love airsofting. (not as much as my girlfriend, but its in the top ten)
Its the best.
And even though my field was leveled, my brother found a better spot.
An abandoned gold refinery.
Cool right?

Rock on.
Music for ya'll.
More music for ya'll.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Today was a pretty good day. :) 
I had to go to the dentists halfway through the school day. 
It was pretty boring, but I did get In-N-Out burger for lunch and i got to skip math. Which is always good too.

Yesterday, me and my girlfriend were really sad because our core class teacher, who let us cuddle and hold hands in class for the past three months just barely decided to tell us off and say we couldn't do it anymore. I have no idea why she waited this long, but she did... and it was depressing... 
But we had a sub today!!!! :D so we got to hold hands and cuddle. That was also an upside.

I also had  to stay after with my girlfriend to retake a biology test we and a lot of other people failed. (except that on chick who wasn't happy with a 94%) 
We basically went in the classroom with like, 16 other people and the teacher read off the answers for us. 
It was quite fun. XD

Then after the biology thing, me, my girlfriend, and mine and my girlfriends friend had to wait for like 10 minutes for my girlfriends mom to pick us up. 
While doing so, our friend who is ridiculously good at piano basically broke into the music room and started playing some really pretty piano piece in one of the practice rooms. 
Me and my girlfriend followed her into the music room, but i pulled her into another one of the practice rooms. 
Were, for the first time... I full on made out inside the school building. And the pretty piano in the background made it seem like we were in a movie. XD it was wonderful.
I loved it.
And I love her.

Anyway... VIDEO GAMESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

Battlefield 4 Gameplay and trailer 100% epic!!!!!!
Game play   

A new Bungie (the creators of Halo) game has been announced and it looks super cool!!!!
Its going to be a multi-platform (PS4, Xbox 720, and PC) with bonus for PS4.

And the last bit of Gaming news, Elder scrolls online looks amazing.
I found out recently that there will be first person and the controls wont be MMO style.
Thank you Bethesda!!!!! 

Anyway, music...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I've Been Away For Too Long

I haven't posted in a really long time.
But I'm back, and better then ever.
I think... 

I don't recall if I posted this but i have a  new girlfriend. 
And she's amazing.
I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so very in love with her. 
She's everything to me and i do everything in my power to make her happy. :)
And good news about me and her, she lives 1 mile from my house and her parents really like me.
And my parents haven't really met her or talked to her much... but my mom really liked her. :D 
But yeah, its great having her soooooo close so its not just an at school relationship.
I can officially say that I made out with a girl in my own home... 
I feel successful... XD

Do you know what sucks?
I cant stand it... And there's been a lot of that stuff lately...
My ex girlfriend wont except the fact that I have moved on. 
Why cant she do the same?
She talks so much crap about me... And my girlfriend who she probably isn't even acquainted with so she has no right to judge her...
But she talks so much crap about me...
If you hate me so much why do you insist on sticking around and messing things up for me by spreading rumors and other things?! 
It makes no sense to me...
Then again... I'm not a 14 year old girl with "problems".
And to add to all this... i have an entire 2 period class full of Drama bombs...
If you were actually going through something! Then you wouldn't shout it for all the world to hear!!!
Id love to meet the guys these freaks complain about to see if they're just as mind boggled as I am...

Anyway... off the depressing stuff...
Bioshock Infinite released and incredible!!!!!

Creepy as heck setting and story... Just how it should be...
Assassins Creed 4 and Battlefield 4 announced. 
And BF4 stuff...

Anyway... I'm basically done
Bye Bye.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

No One Loves Me, And Neither Do I

"No one loves me... neither do Iyou get what you give,and I give goodbye'n if i should vanishdon't get caught off guarddon't hold it against meunless it gets hard."
The past couple days have  had their pros and cons.Valentines Day is obviously tomorrow, and I'm kinda depressed because everyone around me is either mad about that or they're calling it "Singles Awareness Day".
Come on guys! Have a cookie, dance with someone. The days about happiness and love. Not moaping over the fact that you don't have a significant other. And why don't you get one? Ask someone to be you're valentine! And if that doesn't work, don't ruin it for every one.
I HATE it when people do that.Just because they're not having a good day or time, they have to ruin it for everyone else. I hate it when people do it blatantly, but do you know whats worse.When they do it "subtly".When someone acts depressed or sad or angry or disturbed just because they feel like they're not getting enough attention. because they have "problems" and they need "help". Ugh... I hate it...
I almost had an anger explosion today.I don't know if I've ever talked about my anger issues on here.Well if I haven't, I have an extremely short temper,and the things that get me angry randomly change.For instance, today, Aspen (my ex) and her friend Sarah were singing in biology. They were singing some shitastic (pardon my french,but that's what I think of almost all pop) pop song with a style of singing that makes my ears and mind catch fire and sting and burn. And it was irritating me and making me angry.I asked them to stop in a way that expressed that it was irritating me. and they did for like a minute. Then they started singing again and they were singing a song that Aspen knows i hate with a burning passion. A passion that only matches my hatred for swag fags, the word packet, and communism. Good time by Owl Shitty and Carly Rae Shitsen...I don't exactly remember my reaction,but i know that i got really pissed off and yelled something. then I said something like "Stop singing that shitacular song." and then I said that they were both obnoxious. And then I having to hold back yelling and screaming and after that I kinda stormed out of the classroom. I felt bad afterwards though... because I knew it was a result of my anger problems. So I've apologized.But yeah...
Anyway, I hope YA'LL have a CUTE Valentines Day.
Awesome SONG! Warning: Suggestive lyrics